Lessons Learnt from RUN-EU Network Regarding Recognition

  • Ass. Prof. Júlia Szőke Ph.D., Széchenyi István University


RUN-EU is an established network of seven like-minded and regionally focused HEIs committed to societal transformation in its regions in the context of both new and emerging regional and global challenges but in particular sustainable regional development. To achieve this collective mission, the network focuses on the delivery of collaborative, future and advanced skills-based teaching, learning, research and engagement activities across the network. Its mission is supported, inter alia, through the development of Short Advanced Programmes and European Degrees as well as European Mobility Innovation Centre, which will build and share expertise in innovative physical and virtual mobility initiatives and will assess the quality of new mobility activities. All this supposes and requires the recognition of all forms of learning activities and outcomes obtained at any of the HEIs within the network. Nevertheless, recognition practices are varied within the network and are based on different national legal frameworks and/or institutional practices, which makes the recognition process challenging. Therefore, the presentation focuses on the lessons learnt so far from the RUN-EU network regarding the recognition practices. 

Ass. Prof. Júlia Szőke Ph.D.

associate professor, Széchenyi István University (Hungary)
Júlia Szőke PhD is an associate professor at the Department of International Studies and Communication, business and management economist, and international relations expert. Her main research areas include intercultural communication, cross-cultural relations and intercultural management. She has been teaching in higher education in the fields of communication and international studies in Hungarian, English and Italian since 2008. She has been a member of the RUN-EU alliance since January 2021, dealing with WP6 (short advanced programmes) and WP7 (double and joint degrees).

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